an SEO strategy for your VoiceOver website

Do you need an SEO website strategy for your Voiceover business?

Now more than ever, connecting with clients via your website is key.

Maybe you’ve always had an agent send you work. Maybe you are exclusively on pay-to-play sites. But maybe you’ve seen a decrease in jobs lately and are wondering how to find more voiceover work.

A well-designed website and SEO strategy will help you connect with your ideal clients.

I personally love Squarespace. I’ve been a Squarespace designer and consultant for years, helping others build their websites in a simple yet beautiful way that connects with their core audience.

I help you define your core values, which inform your design and copywriting.

However, design is only part of the process. Having an SEO strategy is key to your audience finding you!

Here are the tools I use for my website design and SEO strategy:

Squarespace - website designer (you can purchase a domain here too, but I use

Ubersuggest - keyword and content research

Answer the Public - Discover what people are asking about

SEOspace - a Squarespace SEO plugin (like Yoast for Wordpress) - that helps improve your SEO score

Tinify - to make your images smaller, so your page will load faster

Here is a straightforward SEO strategy for your Voiceover website.

Keyword Research

- Identify keywords related to your services, like "voiceover artist," "narration services," and "professional voiceover."

- Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find keywords with good search volume and low competition.

Optimize Your Website

- Make sure your website loads quickly. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check and improve your site's speed.

- Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as most users browse on their phones.

- Use your keywords in important places like your homepage title, meta descriptions, headings, and throughout your content.

Create Quality Content

- Write blog posts or articles that showcase your expertise in voiceover and narration. Include your keywords naturally.

- Update your website regularly with new content to keep it fresh and engaging.

Build Backlinks

- Reach out to other websites in your industry and ask if they can link to your site. This can be through guest blogging, collaborations, or just by providing valuable content that others want to share.

- Use social media to share your content and website, which can help attract backlinks.

Local SEO

- If you offer services in a specific area, ensure your website mentions your location. This can help you rank for local searches.

- Create a Google My Business profile and fill it with your business information, including your website.

Monitor and Adjust

- Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance. Look at which keywords bring in traffic and which pages are most popular.

- Adjust your strategy based on what's working and what's not.

Remember, SEO is a long-term game, so don't expect overnight results. Consistency and quality are key. Keep refining your strategy and stay updated with the latest SEO trends and best practices.

As a long-time Squarespace user, I offer coaching services to help guide you on your DIY Squarespace journey.

This means you do the work, and I help you figure out what steps to work on next.

This is great for:

Beginners Starting a Website: If you’re new to website building and need guidance on using Squarespace effectively.

Small Business Owners: If you want to create or improve your online presence yourself without hiring a developer.

Artists and Creatives: If you want to showcase your work on a professional-looking website.

Looking to Refresh Your Site: If you already have a Squarespace site but want to update it with a fresh design or new features.


If you’re interested in creating a game plan for your Squarespace website, contact Jessica today!

Jessica Lewis

Jessica Lewis is a voiceover artist and photographer who writes about voiceover and personal branding. She is passionate about helping creatives thrive.

When not at home in northwest Pennsylvania, Jessica loves to travel with her husband Dave, and three children: Cali, Owen, and Truett.

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